thursday tv preview
8:00 PM
Alias (ABC)
Survivor: Guatemala (CBS)
Joey/Will & Grace (NBC)
The O.C. (FOX)
Smallville (WB)
Everybody Hates Chris/Eve (UPN)
Thursday is another somewhat tough night. Joey was always my least favorite friend (tied with Phoebe), and Will & Grace is another show on its way out, so that can be ruled out easily. Last year I tried giving the first season of Alias on DVD a try, and it lost my interest after about 10 minutes--I still don't get what everyone sees in this show. I think Chris Rock is hilarious, so I'd like to see Everybody Hates Chris, and I'd like to get back into Survivor (I haven't watched regularly since the first season), but my heart belongs to The O.C. Can it rebound from the suckiness of last season and go back to being the show I loved?
9:00 PM
Night Stalker (ABC)
The Apprentice (NBC)
Reunion (FOX)
Everwood (WB)
Cuts/Love Inc. (UPN)
I saw Reunion this past week, and it was bad--not "so bad it's good" bad, but just plain bad. The gimmick is all it has. Everwood is probably the best quietly good show on TV, and my roommate loves it, so that's what I'll be watching.
10:00 PM
Primetime Live (ABC)
Without a Trace (CBS)
Remember when ER was good? Me too.
8:00 PM
Alias (ABC)
Survivor: Guatemala (CBS)
Joey/Will & Grace (NBC)
The O.C. (FOX)
Smallville (WB)
Everybody Hates Chris/Eve (UPN)
Thursday is another somewhat tough night. Joey was always my least favorite friend (tied with Phoebe), and Will & Grace is another show on its way out, so that can be ruled out easily. Last year I tried giving the first season of Alias on DVD a try, and it lost my interest after about 10 minutes--I still don't get what everyone sees in this show. I think Chris Rock is hilarious, so I'd like to see Everybody Hates Chris, and I'd like to get back into Survivor (I haven't watched regularly since the first season), but my heart belongs to The O.C. Can it rebound from the suckiness of last season and go back to being the show I loved?
9:00 PM
Night Stalker (ABC)
The Apprentice (NBC)
Reunion (FOX)
Everwood (WB)
Cuts/Love Inc. (UPN)
I saw Reunion this past week, and it was bad--not "so bad it's good" bad, but just plain bad. The gimmick is all it has. Everwood is probably the best quietly good show on TV, and my roommate loves it, so that's what I'll be watching.
10:00 PM
Primetime Live (ABC)
Without a Trace (CBS)
Remember when ER was good? Me too.
At 4:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
Oh, BURN, ER! Seriously, I hope they kill Sam's kid. Also, John Leguizamo on that show? No thanks. Without Carter (or hell, anyone from the original cast), it's really going to lose that last bit of charm it had.
At 4:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
That was Brandawg, by the way!
At 11:28 AM,
Erica said…
so last night jon and I ended up watching last season's finale, because he is a secret ER fan, and I am ashamed to admit that I was drawn in by the porch collapse.
I'm sure that trucker is going to turn out to not be a kiddie rapist, but I kind of wish he was one.
And somehow I can't imagine Kirsten Johnston as a nurse this season.
At 11:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
Oh, I totally love an ER Event Episode because they can do it pretty much better than anyone. That lady losing her legs in a car accident or the gay chick from Sex and the City having a stroke are just a few examples. I really loved the porch collapse as well because ER has always had this big-time anything-can-happen feel. It's mostly the reason why I keep coming back. However, the show's characterization has gotten worse and worse over the years, and the introduction of Shane "Poochie" West almost killed it for me because his character is such a stupid cliche. "He's a young doctor...WITH AN EDGE! Watch him save lives and rock out...TO THE EXTREME!!" Then you hear a guitar riff.
At 10:35 AM,
Erica said…
I think the original ER EVENT was in the first season when the woman gave birth to her baby and it was really hard and then you thought everything was ok and then she died.
as soon as i saw the porches i was like "ok, i definitely remember a porch collapse in the news. those porches are totally gonna go" but then i kind of forgot as the episode went on. i liked how the one girl was on the ledge and then she fell.
i can't believe they haven't gotten rid of morris yet. like, it's hard to believe that this show once had all these great actors (i still love maura tierney though.) like in carter's little slideshow when they showed mark greene i almost started crying just thinking about his death episodes.
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