I Heart TV

I love TV. You love TV. I love to read about TV. Hopefully, so do you.


recent tvgasm/real world

You can see more of my recent TVgasm columms here and here. That first link is a bit about Veronica and Rachel (of RW/RR) and their upcoming reality show. The second link is to an article I worked very, very hard on, and it's on a subject very close to my heart. It's all about why people should watch Veronica Mars.

There's also a post up on TVgasm (not by me) on this past week's episode of Real World. I won't spoil it in case anyone hasn't seen it, but watching it this morning in some spare time before I left for work I almost cried. I can't remember when I last felt any emotion besides derision or disgust while watching RW, but this did it for me.


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